Watch for Our Upcoming Events and Cancellation on this Page
Watch for Our Upcoming Events and Cancellation on this Page
We have had a lot of damage on our club grounds because of ATV’s. Not to mention our safety committee and board members that are being harassed and are getting phone calls all through the night. Because of this we regretfully have to stop ATV riding at our club. We apologize for any in convenience.
Nominations will be on the 1st Thursday of the month in November. All nominated officers other than Directors must have at least three consecutive years of membership, prior to the year you are voting, be in good standing and must be at least 21 years of age. Directors that are nominated must have no less than one year of membership, prior to the year you are voting, be in good standing and must be at least 18 years of age. Nominations will close at the end of the November meeting. Anyone nominated must be present or submit a letter accepting the nomination. Positions not filled in November will stay open until the December meeting.
Voting: To be eligible to vote at the 1st Thursday in December meeting, you must show a current membership card for the year that you are voting and you must have been a member for a minimum of one year.
We’d like to see some new faces getting involved in the club. Please consider nominating yourself or a friend. Hope to see you there!
You will receive a text on your phone with the dates & times for shooting events, archery, camping, special events, meetings, when the ranges will be shut down, event cancellations and any information the club has that concerns all of our members so that you will not be inconvenienced or miss out on any of the things you enjoy at our club. Please try it, we know you will like it and it is free.
2025 – Spring / Summer
You must have showing on your person a range pass to use any club range (High Power – Black Powder – Pistol – Archery).
To obtain a range pass you must attend a safety class.
You must show your club membership card and LTC or FID to register for the class. If LTC or FID is not presented, Range Pass will be valid for archery only.
The range pass is valid as long as you are a club member in good standing.
Winter/Spring Schedule
Summer Schedule
Classes will be held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 A.M. from May thru September at the Chicopee Sportsmen’s Club pavilion. You are not allowed to shoot at any of our ranges until you have attended this class. Class duration is scheduled for 20 minutes. No pre-registration required.
YOU MUST SHOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD TO REGISTER AT THE CLASS. YOU MAY BRING CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND OLDER. This range pass is valid as long as you are a club member in good standing. Check this website’s calendar page.