

To send an email with questions about our club:


Download 2025 Membership Application with Club Rules and Range Rules here.

Our mailing address is as follows:
Chicopee Sportsmen’s Club Inc.
PO Box 332
Chicopee, MA 01021
For your convenience, you can download our membership form and the club rules from above to your PC, then just fill out the membership form and mail it in with payment.
The form is a PDF file and requires that you have an Adobe Acrobat Reader compatible plug-in installed for your browser. The PDF file will launch within your browser and you can print the form right away!
If you are using a newer browser you should have no trouble accessing any document. If you do have trouble, then RIGHT-CLICK the link and select the “Save target as” or “Save Link As” option to download the file to your desktop. If you are STILL having trouble, send us an e-mail with your name and address, and we will snail-mail membership material to you!

Apply Online For A 2025 Membership


General meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month except for July and August at:

American Legion Post 266
74 Pleasant St.
Granby MA 01033.


All members must have showing on their person a range pass to use ANY CLUB RANGE. To obtain a range pass, all members must attend a 20 minute class.

THERE IS NO COST FOR THE CLASS. Classes will be limited in size and will be on a first come – first serve basis.

All summer classes will be held at the club and all winter classes will be held at the American Legion Post-266 74 Pheasant St. Granby MA 01033.

YOU MUST SHOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD TO REGISTER AT THE CLASS. YOU MAY BRING CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND OLDER. This range pass is valid as long as you are a club member in good standing. Check this website’s calendar page for updates!